The Jetty at Surfside Beach Texas is one of the greatest Inshore Fishing Spots any where in the USA. This free fishing pier (jetty) stretches a mile out into the Gulf of Mexico, the fact that it is FREE to fish off, really puts to shame those short piers which cost $20 to fish from. The Surfside Jetty allows fishermen to get right down to the water in order to net or gaff their catch, while most piers have the angler ten or more feet above the water, trying somehow to get the Big Fish up. While there are flying gaffs and ring nets on long ropes for piers, imagine being able to be at the water level while netting or gaffing your fish.
I have fished the Surfside Jetty since 1979 and have many amazing stories to tell about fishing, camping, and Beach Houses. I’ve seen Giant Manta Rays, King Mackerel, and one day even a dead cow washed up on the Surfside Jetty. When I was a kid we loved the weighted corks with about a three foot leader, and then a live shrimp. Another trick was to buy “Jetty Bait Shrimp” and peel it (my dad taught us this trick) we would catch a lot of fish using peeled shrimp. There were whole operations going on, as we would catch a bunch of small fish then take them to “The End of The Jetty” to somehow catch these Giant Fish, just waiting for us.
My family is currently planning another trip to a Beach House in late summer, and I am already excited about the possibilities, I plan to do the whole Kite or Balloon thing to get my bait way out there.